Garage Door Insulation
The garage is usually the largest non-insulated area in a home, but why would one need
garage door insulation? Well, most garages are attached to the house, and such a sizeable
non-insulated area can cause a lot of heat to escape through the area. Also, many people
use their garages for DIY projects or hobbies, and proper insulation can ensure a far more
comfortable work environment.

Aspects that need considering before garage door insulation
The most significant consideration when adding insulation to a garage door is the added
weight, with modern insulating materials this is not as big an issue as the elements are light.
Make sure that the rails and door frame are not adversely affected and that the doors line up
Another important consideration is whether the insulating materials that are used are fire
resistant; many insulating panels are made out of polystyrene which is highly flammable if
not adequately treated, so do not let cost consideration take precedence over safety.
Properly insulating these doors will add value to your property if done professionally and
accurately, so make sure that the insulation is high quality, long lasting and expertly installed.
How to do install garage door insulation.
There are in essence three ways one can install it.
1. Self-install - Using insulation materials:
This is the cheapest way to install insulation as one purchase the insulation sheets and the
adhesive materials and using a tape measure and cutting equipment, you cut the panels to
the correct size and attach them to the garage door. Although this may be the cheapest
option, be sure to do this properly and purchase the proper materials. It is advised, when in
any doubt, that you rather pay a little more and try either one of the other installing options.
2. Self Install - Using a garage door insulation kit:
This is a little more expensive bit may save a lot of hassle in the long run as the packages
are often made for specific doors, and come with everything that you may need. They also
usually have guarantees on the product.
3. Use a professional installer:
Using either of the two methods mentioned above, there are many professional garage door
insulation installers that can do the job for you. Be assured to ask for testimonials also a
guarantee on materials and artistry if you choose to go this route. This is not the most
technical of all maintenance jobs, so if going with a professional, make sure that the value
added is sufficient compared to doing it yourself.
With global warming causing ever increasing temperature fluctuations, garage door
insulation is a great way to save money on heating costs and will increase the value of your
house including the comfort of your garage working environment. Make sure which you
select the right materials which are both safe and are hard wearing, and make sure that
correct installation procedures are followed.
Garage Door Insulation - Basic Considerations and Tips.
You might find it beneficial to install garage door insulation of you often stay in the garage for
car maintenance and repair. Insulation is better than to buy a new door because it is cheaper
and more accessible. You should insulate your garage if it attached to your house because it
can serve as a port for unwanted heat and cold in entering and leaving home.
Most people will buy garage door insulation kit to do the job. There are kits for wood, steel,
and aluminium door and casing. It is also available in various height and length depending on
your garage size.
Aside from kits, you can use self-spray foam insulation to ensure that there will be no leaks
and holes in the rubber sealant of your door.
There are other steps in garage door insulation that you should do to shut off unwanted heat
or cold from your garage effectively. You can also place insulation materials to your floor and
roof similar to what you did in the house.
Whether you buy a kit or apply other insulation material in the garage, make sure that you
will consider its R-value and insulation rating to maximize its effect and ensure that you will
be comfortable in both hot and cold seasons. You might also want to consider sound-proof to avoid noise from getting in the house.
insulation to keep car repair noise from getting to the house.