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Free Things to Do in St. Louis, MO

If you don’t have enough time to visit many places and see attraction sites, you can still have an opportunity to relax in some fascinating places. St. Louis has many places to visit and many things to see. See more here.

Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum

Kemper art museum in Washington University features a huge collection of modern art. You will have a chance to explore the artwork of popular artists like Willem De Kooning, Matisse, Berenice Abbott, Picasso, and Max Beckmann. See here for information about Exciting Things to Do in St. Louis, MI.


Citygarden is an urban green space that features sculptures, water fountains that children can plan in and lush plantings. Additionally, you can take part in free concerts every Wednesday, June to August, and free yoga. The garden features a coffee shop, Kaldi's with exceptional sandwiches and drinks.

Soldiers Memorial Military Museum

Visit the Soldier's Memorial Military museum and explore the stories of St Louis soldiers from the American Revolution to current battles. This art deco building features artifacts and memorabilia.

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