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History of Richmond Heights, Missouri

Richmond Heights, MO, is a major metropolitan area in St. Charles County, Missouri. It is an outer-ring suburban suburb of St. Charles, Missouri. The population is approximately 8,749 in the 2020 census. According to Robert R. Ramsay, the town's name was originally suggested by Robert E. Lee who thought that the surrounding terrain of the town resembles that of Richmond, Virginia. Lee thought that this idea would help bring together the cultural groups who live in the area and be useful in developing stronger ties between their communities. More can be found here.

Richard L. Renfro was born in Richmond Heights, MO and attended the prestigious St. Patrick Catholic School. The school is run by the Archdiocese of St. Patrick and is located in the center of town. The school was designed to prepare students for all aspects of life and was famous for their sports teams which included baseball, basketball and football. The student body at St. Patrick's school is largely Hispanic, which helps to give the town a very multicultural feel. Learn more about Why Pine Lawn, Missouri is A Great Place To Live.

Richard L. Renfro is well known for his leadership and contributions to the community. He served as alderman from 1969 to 1973, but left office after that term had expired. He was active in helping to develop the community and was elected to a full term in 1978. He went on to serve as alderman for eight additional terms in the community. He is also a member of numerous civic associations and is currently serving as an Independent Trustee of the St. Patrick Catholic Church. A recent development in the history of the town has been the creation of a small business center where various businesses have been located recently.

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